The 7 essential Web tools for your eCommerce

by TRILOGI Press

Do you want to know the main web tools that help us better manage our time, improve our ranking and better know our competition? In this article we share them with you.

We hope you discover some new web tools that will help improve your SEO, keyword and competition analysis.


Semrush - Webtools
Semrush: One of our favorite tools, there is no day in which we do not enter to analyze the evolution of search engine ranking in our websites and to monitor third party websites. Is the perfect tool to analyze keywords and the evolution of your ranking, and of course your competitors too.

Go to SemRush

Web tool Keyword
Keyword Tool: A full solution that lets you know what keywords users use in Google and other channels like Amazon or Youtube. An essential tool for keyword studies.

Go to Keyword IO

Similar Web - Web tool
SimilarWeb: The free version allows you, among other things, to obtain estimates of traffic of any website. Beware, many times the estimates are wrong, but accompanied by other tools can help you to know the traffic and potential of a web.

Go to SimilarWeb

Google Alerts

A solution that allows you to monitor your brand in Google. You can configure email alerts whenever your website, your brand name or your competition is indexed.

Go to Google Alerts

ahrefs: A solution (payment) that allows you to monitor the links that point to your Web. Ahrefs is getting bigger and includes, for example, quite complete keyword tools. Starting at $ 79 / month.

Go to Ahrefs

Google Trends
Google Trends: allows you to analyze and know the search trends.

Go to Google Trends

Google Analytics (of course)

Google’s most popular free solution to measure traffic and user behavior on your website.

Go to Google Analytics


By the way! we take this opportunity to announce the Case Study that has just published Amazon Web Services on the infrastructure TLG has assembled in their platform. You can see it AWS.
If you have an eCommerce platform with important traffic points … you know who you should talk to! ? Currently one of the most advanced solutions on the international market.

Ugh, a few tools, right? And that’s not all… What do you think about this list? Do you want to add some more?

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